Saturday, November 30, 2019

Napoleon Was One Of The Greatest Military Leaders Of All Time. Essays

Napoleon was one of the greatest military leaders of all time. By 1812 Napoleon had expanded the territory of France all over Europe including Spain, Italy, Holland, and Switzerland. The countries that Napoleon did not directly control, he was usually allied with. The turning point of Napoleon's career also came in 1812 when war broke out between France and Russia because of Alexander I's refusal to enforce the continental. Even the French nation could not provide all the manpower and supplies needed to carry out the Emperor's grandiose plan for subduing Russia. Throughout 1811, he worked to mobilize the entire continent against Russia. He not only levied the vassal kingdoms in Spain, Italy, and Germany but also summoned Austria and Prussia to furnish their share of men and goods. Altogether, Napoleon could count on nearly 700,000 men of 20 nationalities of whom more than 600,000 crossed the border. Grown far beyond its original intended size, the army was difficult to assemble and hard to feed. Between Tilsit and Moscow, there lay over 600 miles of hostile barren countryside. Because of lack of supplies and the difficulty to feed the large army, Napoleon's plan was simple: bring about a battle, defeat the Russian army, and dictate a settlement. Apparently neither he nor his soldiers, who cheerfully began crossing the Nieman River, thought beyond the immediate goal. Already 300 miles into Russia, Napoleon had not yet found a way to exploit his advantage. In the Emperor's programming the resources necessary to achieve his objective, he had anticipated fighting a battle within a month after crossing the Nieman. Toward the end of that month Napoleon began to realize that events were disproving the validity of his estimates. Dying horses littered the roads and the advanced guard found little forage as Russians everywhere abandoned their homes. Napoleon knew that he needed to fight. At Smolensk, he set up for a battle and waited but the Russians, afraid of a trap steadily withdrew their troops from Smolensk and continued to retreat deeper into Russia. The only major battle in the Russian campaign proved that something was definitely lacking in Napoleon's judgment. Borodino was a battle of legendary proportions. Before the battle Napoleon proclaimed, "Soldiers, here is the battle you have so long desired!" However, the fight was inconclusive. At its end, Napoleon found himself the possessor, not of a victory, but of a barren hillside and an increasingly compelling commitment to advance further into the east. Well into the battle, the French had almost cracked the left side of the Russian Army. Several French generals had requested that Napoleon would commit the guard infantry into battle. This would create the final blow and insure the Russian defeat. After 14 hours of intense combat, the fighting died out at nightfall, and Mikhail Illarionovich Kutusov, the Russian general, gratefully began to retreat his troops. The guard infantry had remained unused. After the Battle of Borodino, in which losses on both sides totaled! over 70,000 men, Napoleon had 100,000 effectives remaining, while Kutusov probably had no more than 55,000. Both sides claimed a victory, whereas actually, both sides had lost. While the Russian army filed disconsolately toward Moscow, the Emperor of the French rationalized his indecision at Borodino by contenting himself with the capture of the city. On September 14, Napoleon rode into Moscow at the head of a fraction of the Empire's military strength. Meanwhile, Napoleon's opponent had made a decision that was to shape the remainder of the campaign. Kutusov made up his mind not to fight another battle in defense of Moscow. Kutusov ordered the city's population out into the countryside, released all inmates from the city jails, and destroyed the city firefighting equipment. Napoleon and his army of 100,000 arrived only to find a handful of the original inhabitants and several hundred criminals and lunatics freely roaming and plundering the streets. That night, fires sprang up all over the city. Fire swept through the city for several days and by morning it was apparent that most of the city had been consumed by the flames. Left with no choice, Napoleon sent peace proposals to Alexander, but Alexander refused to even discuss the concept of peace while the French remained on Russian soil. Napoleon was given an opportunity to evacuate Moscow by acting like he was reinforcing his brother-in-law's troops. Napoleon's plan was to march to Kaluga and Bryansk. By returning along an untraveled route, he hoped to find forage for the horses, avoid the appearance of a retreat, and eventually settle the army in winter quarters somewhere between Smolensk and Minsk. There appeared to be a good chance

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Does Gobal Warming really exis essays

Does Gobal Warming really exis essays Does Global Warming really exist? Many scientists dont believe it does. According to very accurate satellite atmospheric temperature measurements, the earth has actually cooled by 0.13 degrees Celsius since 1979. Not only that, but the artic, which everyone is so concerned about melting, has cooled by 0.88 degrees Celsius over the past fifty years. According to scientists, the earths temperature now, is below the global average of the last 3000 years. Not only that, but there were numerous times when the earth was much warmer then what it is today. How much of the greenhouse effect is caused by humans? Apparently, only about 0.28% of it is caused by human. Water vapor is the main culprit for the earths greenhouse effect. Water vapor accounts for about 95% of the earths greenhouse effect. The thing about that is water vapor is 99.999% of natural origin. The other greenhouse gases are, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and some other miscellaneous gases. These are also mostly of natural origin. Human activities contribute slightly to greenhouse gases, but these emissions are so small, that even the best efforts to contain it, would have none to a very small impact on the global climate. Mankind is actually one of the smaller contributors of CO2. It is a fact that the majority of the CO2 being put into our atmosphere comes from natural sources. The contributions made by human beings to these gases that are turned loose in our atmosphere are less than 10 percent of the total. According to Congresswoman Dana Rohrabacher of California Volcanic activity, for example, can add more to the atmosphere in a few weeks than all the internal combustion engines on this planet over the last decade. Termites and other insects, for example, are such a large source of CO2, and it is a larger source of CO2 than all of the industrial plants in the civilized world. Rotting wood is another offender ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pros and Cons of Whole Group Discussion

Pros and Cons of Whole Group Discussion ​ Whole Group Discussion is  a method of teaching that involves a modified form of classroom lecture. In this model, the focus is shared between the instructor and the students throughout the information exchange. Typically, an instructor will stand before a class and present information for the students to learn but the students will also participate by answering questions and providing examples. Pros of Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method Many teachers support this method as whole group discussions typically provide greater interaction between teacher and students. It provides a surprising amount of flexibility in the classroom, despite the lack of the traditional lecture. In this model, instructors give up the format of dictating the lecture and instead control what is being taught by steering the discussion. Here are a few other positive outcomes from this teaching method: Auditory learners find them appealing to their learning style.Teachers can check on what students are retaining through questions posed.Whole group discussion is comfortable for many teachers because it is a modified form of the lecture.Students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson because they might be called on to answer questions.Students may feel more comfortable asking questions during whole group discussions. Cons of Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method: Whole group discussions can be unsettling for some teachers, as they require setting up and enforcing ground rules for students. If these rules are not enforced then there is a possibility that the discussion could quickly go off-topic. This requires strong classroom management, something that can be a challenge for inexperienced teachers. A few other drawbacks of this option include: Students who are weak in note-taking skills will have trouble understanding what they should remember from group discussions. This is even more so than in lectures in many cases because not only the teacher but fellow students are talking about the lesson.Some students may not feel comfortable being put on the spot during a whole group discussion. Strategies for Whole Group Discussions Many of the strategies below can help prevent the cons created by whole class discussions. Think-Pair-Share:  This technique is popular in the lower elementary grades to encourage speaking and listening skills. First,  ask  students  to think  about their response to a question, then ask them to pair up  with another person (usually someone nearby). The pair  discusses their response, and then they  share that response with the larger group. Philosophical Chairs:  In this strategy, the teacher reads a  statement that has only two possible response: to agree or to disagree. Students move to one side of the room marked agree or to the other marked disagree. Once they are in these two groups, students take turns defending their positions. NOTE: This is also an excellent way to introduce new concepts to the class to see what students know or do not know about a particular topic. Fishbowl: Perhaps the most well-known of classroom discussion strategies, a fishbowl is organized with  two-four students who sit facing each other in the center of the room. All the other students sit in a circle around them. Those students seated in the center discuss the question or predetermined topic (with notes). Students on the outside circle, take notes on the discussion or on the techniques used. This exercise is a good way  to have students practice discussion techniques using follow-up  questions, elaborating on another person’s point or paraphrasing. In a variation, students on the outside may provide quick notes (fish food) by passing them to students on the inside for use in their discussion. Concentric Circles Strategy:  Organize students into  two circles, one outside circle and one inside  circle so that each student on the inside is paired with a  student on the outside. As they face each other, the teacher poses a question to the whole group. Each pair discusses how to respond.   After this brief discussion, the students on the outside circle move one space to the right. This will mean each student will be part of a new pair.  The teacher can have them share the results of that discussion or pose a new question.  The process can be repeated several times during a class period. Pyramid Strategy: Students begin this strategy in pairs and  respond  to a discussion question with a single partner. At a signal from the teacher,  the first pair joins another pair which creates a group of four. These groups of four share their (best) ideas. Next, the groups of four move to form groups of eight in order to share their best ideas. This grouping can continue until  the whole class is joined up in one large discussion. Gallery Walk: Different stations are set up around the classroom, on the walls or on tables. Students  travel from station to station in small groups. They perform a task or respond to a prompt. Small discussions are encouraged at each station. Carousel Walk:  Posters are set up around the classroom, on the walls or on tables. Students are divided into small groups, one group to a poster. The group brainstorms and reflects on the questions or ideas by writing on the poster for a specific duration of time. At a signal, the groups move in a circle (like a carousel) to the next poster. They read what the first group has written, and then add their own thoughts by brainstorming and reflecting. Then at another signal, all groups move again (like a carousel) to the next poster. This continues until all the posters have been read and have responses. NOTE: The time should be shortened after the first round. Each station helps students to process new information and read the thoughts and ideas of others.   Final Thoughts: Whole group discussions are an excellent teaching method when used in conjunction with other methods. Instruction should be varied from day to day to help reach the most students possible. Teachers need to provide their students with note taking skills before starting discussions. It is important that teachers be good at managing and facilitating discussions. Questioning techniques are effective for this. Two questioning techniques that teachers employ is to increase their wait time after questions are asked and to only ask one question at a time.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Does The Concept Of Children's Rights Influence The Work Of Essay

How Does The Concept Of Children's Rights Influence The Work Of International Agencies And Development NGOs - Essay Example d other circumstances that are dangerous, which ultimately is resulting in the violation of the children’s rights and regulations made by the government. It is worth mentioning in this context that the government has taken certain initiatives which include the rescue measures, rehabilitation and active participation measures concerning children’s rights protection. The reports published concerning children’s rights violation usually cover the aspect of infant mortality, malnutrition and issues with regard to education where the other important issues usually remained unaddressed (UNICEF, 2006). With reference to the current day context, these factors can be apparently observed to influence and direct the working of international agencies such as World Trade Organisation (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and ECPAT among others. For instance, WTO, in its international operations has been regularly reviewing the progress in various countries with regard to th eir performances in protecting and promoting the rights of the children as per the principle guidelines mentioned in the agreements and trade policies. For instance, in its recent policies WTO has been focused on enforcing rigid norms to ban any product or services produced through the engagement of child labour. Where on one hand such norms and policy measures have been encouraged on social and ethical grounds, on the basis of economic concerns, the measures have also been criticised. For instance, it has often been argued and researched that child labour is a major concern identified in poor economic regions. It is often regarded as a consequence of poverty wherein minors of the family are sent to work and earn their livelihood. In such areas, such restrictions on child labour as imposed by the WTO... This paper approves that the rights of the children include the provision with respect to the standard of living, educational benefits, health care and recreational facilities. Additionally, the rights to protection act with respect to the children’s developmental needs majorly include their right to protection against abuse, discrimination and exploitation. The rights to participation further include the child’s freedom to participate in activities and programmes irrespective of cultural divergences and family or ethnic backgrounds. It is worth mentioning in this context that the provisions for rules and regulations as well rights are framed to protect the social, economic and environmental rights of the children in the worldwide context. This report makes a conclusion that with reference to the above discussion, it can be observed with regards to the development and protection of the rights of the children that international agencies and NGOs play a vital role towards minimising the issues related with children’s rights. As a matter of fact, child exploitation rates have increased in the modern day context. Consequently, the activities and measures with respect to the protection of the children’s rights have been implemented by NGOs as well as the international agencies. The different programmes such as The Focal Point and the Liaison Unit help and provide information to the international, regional and the national level organisations as well as the other events organisers with respect to the rights and provisions framed against the exploitation of the children.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Geriatric Nursing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geriatric Nursing - Article Example People who reported tooth loss were 2.7 times more likely to report chewing difficulty onset than people without tooth loss. The article concluded that the incident of tooth loss and removable prosthodontic restoration strongly predicted chewing difficulties, and important component of OHRQoL. The author of the article presented important facts supported by studies and articles. The study/research was supported by articles and books from where the idea was taken from by the author. An example of it is when the author claims the "Tooth loss can have a substantial influence on quality of life". By referencing it properly what the author claims is very well supported. Another example is the part wherein he mentioned on the "agreement between self-reported and clinically examined tooth loss was high." This was taken from Gilbert , Comparison of two methods of estimating 48 months tooth loss incident. There are at least 18 references which are more than 10 years older. It still supports the document but there are some articles which may have a new or revised version. There are 5 reference that are within the last 5 years . The implications of the article in the health care of the geriatric patient are important. Chewing problem may result in several clinical illnesses such as weight loss, dehydration and debility.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

My Favourite Book Essay Example for Free

My Favourite Book Essay Lots of people read tabloid newspapers. Tabloid nespapers are read by lots of people. 2. Sue Green reads the news on television. The news on television is read by Sue. 3. The witness is helping the police. The police is being helped by the witness. 4. The newspapers arent publishing the photographs. The photographs arent published by the newspapers. 5. The police have arrested the driver. The driver has been arrested by the police. 6. The thief had taken the painting before the gard woke up. The paintinghad been taken before the guard woke up. 7. The company will deliver the flowers the next day. The flowers will be delivered the next day. 8. The government is going to give every school student a computer. A computer is going to be given to the every school student by the government. 9. You can buy a magazine on the train. A Magazinecan be boughton the train. (by you) 10. My sister made a pop video. The pop videowas made by my sister. Complete this radio news report using a passive form on the verbs in the brackets ! Good afternon . The lunch time news today will be read(read) by John Houard. The prime minister has visited a primary school in Ipswich where she (meet)has been metby the children and their teachers. She opened a new sports centre that (build)was built with money raised by the parents and teachers. Another $20 000 (need)are needed to finish the swimming pool so more money raising activities ( organise)will be organised for the summer months. Earlier today a group of pensioners was in accident when their coach (hit)was hit by lorry. The pensioners (help )were helped by local people until ambulances arrived. Most the passanger (alow)wasnt alowed to go home immediately, but thoose with more serious injuries (take)have been taken to Norwich central hospital later today. Witnesses say that the lorry (drive)was being drivingtoo fast. Rewrite the sentences using have/get something done ! 1. I will ask someone to repair my school bag. I will have my school bag repaired . 2. My sisters car is being seviced. My sister is getting her car serviced . 3. Someone is testing my fathers eyes. My father is getting his eyes tasted . 4. The grass is too long – I will pay someone to cut it. I will get the grass cut. . 5. I have taken my trousers to the cleaners. I have had my trousers cleaned. Rewrite the descriptions using compound adjectives ! 1. A skiing holiday that is two weeks long. Two-week skiing holiday is too long for me. 2. A baby who is six months old. Six month-old baby is very healthy. 3. A men with white hair. White-haired man is old and lovely. 4. A flight of six hours. Six-hour flight is boring. 5. A carpet made by hand. Handmade carpet is beautiful. Circle the correct preposition to form multipart verbs ! 1. When we have visiters we turn off/over the television. 2. My father always goes to sleep with television turned on/over. . My sister turns on/overthe channel to annoy me. 4. I turn down/to volume during the advertisements. 5. When I want to watch football I turn to/upmy mom for support. Circle the correct words in the latter ! Dear Colleague, On the 14th of june we will be holding a party to celebrate/celebration to success of our latest game show/opera. As you know, Win a Car! Is very popular/popularity and it will be good publish/publicityto hold a big thank-you party for stuff and successful players. The organise/organisation of the party is being done by my assistent. Yours faithfully.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Snow on Arizona SnowBowl Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Snow on Arizona SnowBowl Why would anyone propose to use millions of gallons of water a day to desecrate sacred Indian land, in a State that is going through a drought? Well, the Arizona SnowBowl has proposed to do just that; make artificial snow on their ski resort. The proposal is for their own economical benefit with no respect for the holy San Francisco Peaks, where the Ski resort is located. The San Francisco Peaks are located in Northern Arizona, seven miles outside of Flagstaff. The weather on these peaks is not very consistent. Some winters there’s excess of snow for skiing, then there are years like the 2001- 2002 ski season where there were only four inches of snow the whole winter. This makes for very unstable ski seasons, which in turn hurts Arizona SnowBowl’s and Flagstaff’s economy. As a solution the Arizona SnowBowl wants to put snow machines on the mountain to create their own snow. The problem with this addition is that artificial snow would impact the mountain in several ways. Whether or not the Arizona SnowBowl should be allowed to put snow machines on the mountain has raised great controversy across the southwest. There are people, such as skiers and businessmen for the additions, and those opposed, such as Native American Tribes and environmentalists who want to keep the mountains as pristine as possible. The people opposed to the addition have many great reasons that support their opinion, such as all the negative environmental effects. Also, the desecration of holy land to the Native Americans is irreversible. If the addition is made then the mountains are forever changed. â€Å"Many of these tribes hold true that if this Holy Mountain is ... ...claimed water storage pond, two 10,000-gallon underground water storage tanks, and fourteen miles of buried pipeline (SnowBowl Expansion, p.5). On top of exceeding the .4 percent boundary, these additions are greatly impacting and irreversible. The Arizona SnowBowl borders the Kachina Wilderness Area, which is a place where people go to escape civilization not be immersed in it. By improving the ski resort it is destroying what is already there, sacred mountains. The remodeling would disturb many Indian tribes who hold the San Francisco Peaks holy and people in general looking to escape everyday life. Sources Cited: Fredrick, Ken. Forest Service Recieves SnowBowl Proposal. 2 May. 2002. SnowBowl Expansion. Nov. 2002.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Warrior Dodt Cry

Saladin Bradwell CCP English 98/99-481 Warriors Don’t Cry The 1950’s a time where so-called Negros was not allowed to use the same public facilities as whites. Melba Pattillo Beals was one of nine black teenagers who integrated central high school in Little Rock Arkansas, in 1957. At the age of fifteen her life is about to change forever. The book, â€Å"Warriors Don’t Cry†, drawn from Melba Beal’s personal diaries is a spellbinding true account of her first year at Central High. I believed that Melba was molded into a warrior due to the conditions of integration. Most of all, she was influence by her mother, grandmother, and the student, Link to overcome all obstacles in her path such as discrimination, racism, and taunting on a daily basis. Although, she was young she was able to make it thru all the pressure of integration, and that’s what a warrior will do. However, when Beals arrived at little Rock Central High, the first day she did not know that singing up to integrate an all white school would put herself, friends, and family in so much danger. Melba had to fight one of the most courageous wars in history a war against color. This was one of the most important civil right movements in American history. However, Melba lived with her mother, grandma, and her brother in a strict and religious house hold. According to Melba â€Å"the experience gave her an indestructible faith in GOD [ and] also gave her courage, strength, and hope†(2). Faith in GOD allowed her to endure the abuse that she faces on day to day basis, integration was war, and the nine brave students, refuse to be stop. Grandma said, â€Å"Even when the battle is long and the path is steep, a true warrior does not give up†(3), and Melba never forgets , and these saying get her thru the school year. Lois Maria Pattillo, Melba’s mother is one of many to be an influence in her life, the mother was one of the first few blacks to integrate the University of Arkansas, and this gave Melba her motivation to achieve and pursue the dream of attending Central High. The mother Lois, being an English teacher as also a big help to Melba, she was able to gain insight into matter that at times were difficult to handle, her mothers education gives her the edge and the ability to achieve and succeed. India Anette Peyton, is Melba Grandmother she is a great influence, and of great importance because she gave her the main ingredient to succeed, by incorporating religion in her life. Grandma India is Melba’s back bone during her struggle to integrate Central High school. When ever Melba wants to giv e up the struggle, Grandma India encourages her to keep going . Grandma India , fortifies Melba with faith and stubbornness, and it is grandma who tells Melba that GOD’S† warriors don’t cry†(57). This gives Melba the idea that in order to successfully integrate into the school, she will need to become more than a regular teenager. Melba writes in her dairy â€Å"Okay , God, so Grandma is right it’s my turn to carry the banner, please help me to do thy will†(102). This means that Melba is ready to accept the challenge to integrate. Grandma India is deeply religious, she is able to provide Melba with a sense of purpose. She reminds Melba that she is a child of God and that the opinion of her fellow teenagers doesn’t matter as long as God loves her. Grandma India always assures Melba that God approves of what she is doing. She also shows Melba that there are peaceful, respectful ways of standing up to the white people. Melba is thus able to avoid the provocations of Andy and his friend and avoid the temptation to fight back. Link, who is also a student, the most influential person that becomes Melba’s friend the son of a prominent white family, helps Melba escape from the violent segregationists Andy, who wants to kill her. However, Link’s father is pro-segregation, but shocked by the attacks on black teenagers and children. Link he helps Melba,† his winks or pleasant expression some times came just at the moment she needed to know she was alive and valuable† (254). This helps to motivate Melba. According to Melba, â€Å"having him as a friend got to be fun for both of them† (266). In spite of his racist family Link has a different perspective on black people because of his close relationship with Nana Healey. â€Å"Who’s Nanny Healy? My nanny. She colored-like you† (271). Nana Healey is black, and Link loves her and resents the treatment she receives from his parents. Because he knows that Nana Healey is a good and loving person, he can imagine that other black people might be good and loving as well. Link is the only white student who shows Melba any kindness, and he is the only white person she comes to trust during her time at Central High School. Link undermines the efforts of the violent segregationists,† he said the worst part of it for him was that he felt himself a traitor† (266). Link is never able to openly confront them and say publicly his friendship with Melba. Although, Link is fearful of becoming an outsider. While Melba puts aside those fears in order to do something for the greater good, Link hides behind them. He still helps Melba, but he does it in secret. What is most important to Melba at this time is proving that she cannot be defeated by the anger and hatred of the segregationists. Link, is able to help Melba accomplish her mission to integrate Central High School. ? . Inclosing, Melba and the other eight students should be considered heroes of the war on integration, thru their struggles; perseverance many school across the nation became integrated, for understanding the trauma of her year at Central High School. She has become an adult, toughened by life and her experiences, but also able to forgive the world for its cruelty towards her. She help paved the way for desegregation in public schools across the nation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Personal risk management plan

Risk and costs happen all the time in our lives. Everyone will encounter a variety of risks. A risk management plan is a process that identifies loss exposures faced by an organization and selects the most appropriate techniques for trading such exposures. The first step for all of the risk plans is identifying the loss exposures. The first kind of loss exposure I'm identifying is health loss exposures. This kind of loss exposure can be costly, such as disability, sickness or even premature death.The second loss exposure is property loss, such as pet damage for the apartment. I have a cat for which I have to pay a deposit for it to live in the apartment, but it may damage the apartment and that will cost me; it's a loss exposure. Loss of equipment can be a property loss such as a lost cell phone in class, a stolen Pad or a laptop left in the library. I lost my pod before and I know I will never get it back. Also, bank accounts or online accounts can be stolen or used by someone else. Car theft or a car accident can be accounted as a property loss.If the car gets stolen or if it gets into an accident, such as no fault, fault with property damage or fault with bodily injury, I won't have anything to drive. The third one, for me, is the foreign loss exposures. Because I'm from a foreign country, I have to travel to go back home so when I take the plane, some loss exposures exist, such as acts of terrorism on the plane or at the airport, accidents, and lost baggage in the airport with all my belongings inside. Sometimes, when I purchase plane tickets I also purchase the flight insurance to cover up the loss if anything happens.Also the currency lost exposures are also under the foreign loss exposures. For example, I bought Chinese currency when the exchange rate was 1 :8 and now the exchange rate change to 1:6, I lost part of my money because of the change of the currency in the market and the possibility that the rate may keep dropping throughout times. The fourth catalog I have is the crime exposures including robbery and fire damage. In addition to the big part of crime exposures, there are Internet and computer loss exposures and identify loss, such as losing your passport or ID card.The second step for a risk management plan is to analyze the loss exposures and he third step is to select an appropriate risk management technique for treating the loss exposure utilizing the risk management matrix. There are a number of changes of loss under the health loss exposure catalog. According to my insurance policy, sickness is identified as â€Å"Illness or disease which first manifests itself, is contracted or commences, and for which a licensed physician identified diagnosis is recorded during the period the Insured Person's coverage is in force†.The probability of me getting sick during the flu season is really high. I may have to go to the clinic to get reattempts and skip classes, which will cost me the chance to be in class and learn knowledge. For that circumstance, the loss frequency is low and the loss severity is not high, either. If I missed class while I was in the clinic, I could get an excuse for being sick. I could also ask my classmates for the notes and even email my professors to ask what I missed and study it by myself, after all.Depending on the risk management matrix in the case, my getting the flu fits the retention technique. But if I get a horrible virus from the flu that causes me to stay in the hospital and be absent or a few days, the loss severity will be higher because the cost of recovery will be higher and the cure time will be longer. In that case, I need the medical insurance that Marshall University requires all the international students to have. The medical expense benefits under the policy are the maximum benefit of $250,000 per injury and sickness with the deductible of $50 per policy year.The policy will pay 90% of the POP (preferred provider organization) allowance for covered m edical expenses incurred until an out of pocket maximum of $5,000 has been met; then 100% of POP allowance is paid thereafter, and the accidental death benefit is $1 5,000 per life. From the technique of risk management, we can tell this kind of loss with low loss frequency and high severity belongs to the insurance. The insurance company won't mind if it happened one time.Nonetheless, this kind of loss can be avoided easily, like keeping myself warm and washing my hands more often, not going out in the public so frequently during the flu season. Damage to my 2012 Mazda 3 because of a collision with another vehicle, nature, or another hazard would be handled through this risk management plan technique of insurance. My current auto policy has both the comprehensive coverage and collision coverage with a deductible set at $1,000 on each. Bodily injury liability of property damaging limit for each accident is $25,000; medical payments coverage for each person is $5,000.Uninsured motor vehicle coverage is If I get in an accident damaged the car and have to put it into the shop, I have the car rental and travel expenses coverage, and the insurance company will cover 80% of the rental for each day and $500 for each loss. Also the deductible is $400 on my car. Because I'm a new driver, in the case of an accident the loss severity is high. However, because I'm a new driver, I pay more attention to not cause an accident so the loss frequency is low. The appropriate risk management plan is insurance.Online and banking accounts can be hacked easily today, all of my information can be found online. Bank cards can be copied by online shopping; some websites reveal my payment information and a few days later I received a phone call from my bank telling me my card had been used on a few websites spending a mass of money on strange things. They thought is was identity theft so they froze my account and stopped the payments and also made a cancellation. Under this condition, l oss frequency is really high and the loss severity can be high as well, so the appropriate risk management technique is avoidance.A foreign loss exposure such as currency is a high chance of loss. When I first came to the Untied States, the exchange rate between dollars and Chinese Yuan was 1 to 8. 3, it meaning 1 dollar was worst 8 Yuan. My father bought at least $25,000 and wired it to my account when the rate was around 1:8. 3, but a short time after the read, the rate went down to 1:7. China's economy is growing, so fast that exchange rate is Just keeps dropping, so we lost some money Just because the currency rate was dropping and kept dropping.Using the risk management matrix, you can see the loss frequency is high because Chinese money is worth more value everyday and the loss severity is also high, so the best I can do it to avoidance the loss. So now my father only transfers little amounts of money to my account and puts the majority in the bank. Once I swipe the card in th e USA the bank exchanges the money with the rent exchange rate to avoid the loss exposure from the rate dropping. I currently reside in an apartment in Huntington and my rental office requires that everyone have to have renters insurance.According the text, I would have low frequency and high severity when dealing with rental insurance. My renters insurance is through my host family's homeowner's insurance policy, which is provided from State Farm. My current deductible is set at $1000 and the current policy has the following covers the following: Personal Property up to $20,000, Personal Liability for each occurrence p to $100,000, Medical Payments for each occurrence up to $1,000, Credit Card/ Bank Card and Forgery up to $1,000, Damage to Property of Others up to $1,000, Loss of Use (Actual Loss Sustained) up to $500.The current policy also has added on Endorsements, which included the following: Jewelry and Fur up to $1000, Silver/ Gold ware Theft up to $2,500, Business Property up to $1 ,500, Firearms up to $2,500, Home Computer up to $5,000, Fire Department Service Charge up to $500 When reviewing the risk management, I find out I don't really have a lot of protection insurance. When it is time for me to implement my plans by contacting insurance agencies and finding the best one to meet my needs.Then the step that I would take would be to go over all of my risk assessments every year to better insurance that I am getting the best deal. This would change if a major purchase occur, such as a child was born, or a newer car was purchased. My personal risk management will be easily assessed, because you continuously have to pay the bills on insurance and so you are reminded of it. However, it's important to reconsider your policies and needs, so that you can revise your policies correspondingly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Marketing Communications The WritePass Journal

Marketing Communications Introduction Marketing Communications ). This paper intends to address several issues that relate to the changes and developments taking place in the business environment. It presents an analysis or opportunities and threats that companies like Yahoo and Google face in relation to the rapid technological advancements. It also addresses the appropriate communication approaches that companies should use to facilitate internal and external communication and the communication mix that is used at Apple to market itself to its target clients. In relation to this, the report presents an analysis of a communication campaign used by Nike, a leading sports’ equipment and apparel manufactures in the UK, to establish how effective it is in attaining its marketing objectives. Opportunities and Threats for Google and Yahoo in regard to rapid technological changes Google and Yahoo are some of the well renowned internet-based companies that offer search engine and e-mail services to a wide range of users. Both companies also deal in software development. Based on the services and products offered by these companies, they are directly affected by technological advancements, especially in the ICT sector (Segev Ahituv, 2010). The opportunities and threats that these advancements expose the companies to are discussed in this section. Opportunities There are several opportunities presented to these companies as a result of technological advancement. One of these is that it provides a wide range of avenues through which the companies can communicate with their clients and vice versa (Hundal Grover, 2012). It also provides increased avenues through which the companies can market their products. Technological advancements in the ICT sector across the globe have also led to an increase in internet accessibility. For Yahoo and Google, an increase in internet accessibility provides an opportunity for them to earn more revenue through advertisements (Shih et al., 2013). This is because they are among the most visited websites internationally. Google is ranked as the most visited website, while Yahoo is ranked the fourth (Alexa, 2014). Being business oriented, technological advancement will also make it possible for them to market their products and services to a wider market base through strategic marketing communication strategies. It also provides an opportunity for them to launch e-commerce strategies, which are cost-effective for the company and convenient for clients. Among the advancements that have taken place is the development and increased use of smartphones (Persaud Azhar, 2012). Given that both companies deal in software development, it provides an opportunity for them to create revenue from developing applications that can be used on these devices. Google has effectively taken advantage of this advancement and has developed the Android operating system (Gandhewar Sheikh, 2011). The fact that its operating system is compatible with many mobile devices like manufactured by different companies like Samsung and LG increases its usability. With the growing number of global populations using smartphones, the company has a lot to benefit as Android is among the top smartphone operating systems (Butler, 2011). Threats With the increase in the technological advancements in the market, these companies are also exposed to a range of threats (Lovelock Wirtz, 2011). One of these is the increase in competition from other companies that provide the same products and services. With internet companies like Twitter and Facebook having a growing number of users, they provide a threat for Yahoo and Google in terms advertising revenues (Lagrosen Josefsson, 2011). There is also a possibility of other internet based companies coming up to provide stiffer competition. In the software business, Google’s Android operating system faces a threat from Apple’s iOS, if it decides to adjust it and make it compatible to other devices (Butler, 2011). Other technology companies may also come up with more innovative products and better marketing approaches than Google and Yahoo, which might reduce their current market shares. Another threat that is associated with technological advancements is posed to the human resources of these companies. Employees face the risk of losing jobs because a wide range of jobs that were initially handled by people can now be done even better by machines (Lovelock Wirtz, 2011). Even though this might come as a relief for these companies as they cut salary costs, the fact that these advancements may increase unemployment undermines the social responsibility efforts that these companies may have. The increase in technological advancements also increases the levels of cyber crime. Even though the systems of Yahoo and Google may be secure from this risk, given that they have measures in place to address this issue, clients who have opened email accounts with them may not be as secure. Hackers may gain access to their emails, obtain their personal information and use it against them. Even though such cases might occur as a result of low email security measures by the user, some of them tend to blame the email hosting companies like Yahoo or Google as being the reasons for their predicaments. As a result, this ruins the reputation of these companies. Communication at Google Internal and external communication Communication is among the aspects of a business that are paramount to its success. Internal communication refers to the passing of messages or information within the organization. This could be within the same department or interdepartmental communication (Wright, 2012). External communication refers to the communication that goes on between the organization and external stakeholders, who mainly comprise of customers. When carrying out internal communication, there are several factors that have to be considered. For instance, the messages ought to be confidential to avoid access from external parties. In this case, Google has a company intranet, which consists of an internal message board and email system (Goodman, 2006). This can only be accessed by company employees who have been allocated usernames and passwords. These channels of communications have been highly secured, making it impossible for an external party to access the information or messages passed. Internal communication in organizations also has to be effective and quick. For Google, this is facilitated by the fact that it has a horizontal communication structure. According to Butler (2010), horizontal or lateral communication is the free flow of information or messages across different functional groups in the organization. Employees and managers across all departments and employee levels at Google interact freely without any hierarchical boundaries (The Financial Express, 2005). This approach to communication enhances cooperation among employees and also quickens the process of resolving conflict. On the contrary, it reduces the authority of departmental heads in the organization. External communication is meant to promote products or services offered by the company, or to advertise its clients’ products to a wide range of customers (Wright, 2012). It can also be meant to engage with customers with the aim of making them feel like they are part of the organization. Depending on the aim that is to be met by external communication, there are several measures that can be used. One of the most effective tools that the company uses to accomplish this is through its website. Based on the fact that its website is the most visited in the world, there is a high level of surety that it will communicate to a wide audience (Segev Ahituv, 2010). Even with the high number of visits on the company’s website, many customers who may be targeted by the messages might not be among the website visitors. Thus, another alternative option that the company uses is through sending e-mail messages directed to certain clients that could be interested in the goods or servi ces of the company. In 2012, the company spent over $231 million in marketing its products, which include the Google+ social media platform, Gmail and the Google Chrome web browser (Efrati, 2012). Market communication theories relevant to the communication strategy There are several marketing communication theories that can be considered as being relevant to the communication strategies utilized at Google. One of these is the heightened appreciation model (Dahlen et al., 2010). It is based on the fact that companies need to carry out consumer market research to establish the key attribute that attracts consumers to a brand. Market communication strategies are then designed to link the identified attributes of the product or service to the brand (Fill Hughes, 2013). For instance, in the advertisement of its Google+ service, the company is aware of the need for people to interact and share instant messages and videos on social media. Google then links this need in the market to Google+, encouraging more clients to subscribe. Another model that can be used to represent the market communication strategies at Google is the advertising exposure model. This model suggests that advertisement objectives can only be met if it created five effects to the target consumer (Fill Hughes, 2013). These effects are; creation of awareness, conveying messages about the positive attributes of the products, generation of feelings among the target audiences towards the brand, creating a brand personality and triggering purchase intentions (Dahlen et al., 2010). This model also relates to the advertisement efforts that have been implemented by Google as it markets a wider range of its products. The AIDA model can also be used in explaining marketing communication. It is regarded as one of the oldest and most popular market communication models. This model states that there is a hierarchy of events that have to occur for a marketing communication strategy to be termed as having been successful. In chronological order, these are attention, interest, desire, and action. After the attention of the target clients have been drawn, marketers are required to raise their interest in the products or services being advertised through highlighting their advantages. After this has been done a sense of desire is created in the clients by providing them with the assurance that the products or services will satisfy their needs. This will trigger action from the buyer, which is demonstrated by making the purchase. At Google, this model has been widely used, especially when it spent approximately 231 million to market its products in 2012 (Efrati, 2012). However, this model has received crit icism for being out-dated and irrelevant for the present market environment. The Communication Mix of Apple The communication mix is referred to as the specific approaches that are used by companies to promote their services or products to their target customers. There are five elements that make up a communication mix. These are discounts and promotions, public relations, direct marketing communication, advertising and personal selling (Wright, 2012). At Apple, the marketing mix element that is mainly used is direct marketing communication. This approach involves interactive communication with the aim of seeking a certain response from the target audiences. With reference to the recent development at Apple when it was preparing to acquire PrimeSense, an Israeli 3D chip developer, it was vital for the company to inform its external and internal stakeholders or the impending acquisition (Velazco, 2013). Some of the approaches that the company could use to pass this information include direct email communication, social media interaction with its clients and through its website. The company has maintained a large customer data base that contains the contacts of its customers and other Apple stakeholders (Wright, 2012). This also makes it easy for the company to pass such vital information directly to its customers and other external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders, who mainly comprise of employees, can be formally informed through circulation of a memo or posting the message on internal communication platforms. Importance of Cross-functional communication Cross-functional communication is applicable within the organization. It is referred to as the communication among people from different departments or functional groups in the organization (Shimp Andrews, 2013). The importance of cross-functional communication that is beneficial to Apple Inc is the fact that it enhances cooperation within the organization as different teams work towards attaining the same organizational goal. Encouraging cross functional communication also promotes awareness of whatever is taking place across the entire organization, which eliminates cases of ignorance of misinformation. Some of the challenges that are associated with ineffective cross-functional communication in organizations include the failure for members of certain departments in the organization to appreciate or recognise the contributions made by other departments (Diefenbach Todnem, 2012). This may result to destructive rivalry that may affect the attainment of organizational goals adversel y. In a scenario where Apple might plan to acquire another company, cross-functional communication enables all the departments to be equally ready for any changes or additional responsibilities that may arise after the acquisition (Diefenbach Todnem, 2012). Analysis of an integrated Marketing communications campaign Marketing communication campaigns are defined as strategies that are implemented by organizations with the aim of increasing market awareness about their products or services. This is usually with the aim of increasing the purchasing intentions of the target audience. According to (Bergemann Bonatti, 2011), ideal integrated marketing communication strategies effectively coordinate all product promotional messages to ensure that they are all consistent. This section presents a market communication campaign that was launched by Nike, a company that deals in the manufacture and distribution of sports equipment (Nike, 2014). The marketing communication campaign was implemented with the aim of increasing the company’s market share in the UK to extend its lead. This is as a result of the stiff competition from Adidas (Thomasson, 2014). The campaign intended to make use of all the available avenues to increase awareness of the UK market about the brand. It also intended to market the new products that it had launched and seen as appropriate for the target market. These mainly included sports shoes. This marketing communications campaign targeted a wide range of customers, who ranged from 18 to 50 years of age (Nike, 2014). Factors that make the campaign successful There are several aspects of the campaign that make this campaign successful in attaining its originally set goals. One of these is the wide range of media outlets were used to pass the message to the audience, basing on the fact that media consumption varies among individuals within different age groups (Bergemann Bonatti, 2011). Another factor that made the communication campaign successful was the fact that it highlighted the favourable attributes of the company’s products, which included the affordable prices and the comfort of the shoes. Referring to the heightened appreciation model, this is an effective trigger of purchase intentions among the target audiences (Fill Hughes, 2013). Given that this marketing communication campaign was strategically designed, the only aspect that could undermine its capability to attain the intended goals is the launch of a similar or better campaign by its key competitors. Media Used Different forms of media were used in this campaign to increase the size of the audience that could be reached. These were classified as print, broadcast and interactive media. Print media comprised of newspapers and magazines. These targeted different clients. For instance, ads that were placed in fashion magazines targeted the fashion enthusiasts who could need Nike’s products to work out. Broadcast media basically comprise of radio and TV (Lamb et al., 2008). Different market segments were targeted by advertising on a wide range of TV and radio channels, and at different times. Given that communication campaigns in print and broadcast media are one way, they were designed to contain as much information as possible to answer any questions that clients could have regarding the product (Bergemann Bonatti, 2011). Interactive media comprised of all the media outlets that could allow the company and its clients to engage real-time with each other (Correa et al., 2010). These comprised of social networking, mobile and via the company’s blog. As opposed to print and broadcast media platforms, interactive media provided capabilities for the company and target customers to engage constructively (Kim Ko, 2012). Some of the major social media platforms that are ideal for such form of communication between companies and customers include Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Despite the advantage of real-time engagement that social media presents for companies, information on a flaw of negative attribute on the product spreads very fast (Correa et al., 2010). Conclusion This paper has covered a wide range of issues that relate to the present-day business environment. In regard to the technological advancements that are taking place in the present-day business environment, Google and Yahoo have been used as cases to discuss the opportunities and threats that these advancements present to the company. The paper has also presented an overview of internal and external communication in Google, which has incorporates that factors that are considered and the channels that are used in the communication. Different marketing communication theories have also been presented. These include the heightened appreciation model and the advertising exposure model. In the paper, different organizations have been used in the explanation of various concepts presented. Based on the arguments that have been presented in the paper, companies have to ensure that they effectively communicate with their customers and also encourage cross-functional communication so as to succe ed in the current hypercompetitive business environment. Failure to implement an appropriate communication mix will not only have adverse effects on the marketing efforts of the company, but will also hamper internal operations. For future research, the marketing communication theories and models should be analyzed more broadly so as to establish their relevance to different businesses. References Adler, G., 2013. Management Communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Alexa, 2014. Web company Information: Top Sites. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 April 2014]. Bergemann, D. Bonatti, A., 2011. Targeting in advertising markets: implications for offline versus online media. The RAND Journal of Economics, 42(3), pp.417-43. Butler, C.J., 2010. 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Monday, November 4, 2019

Managing projects in engineering and construction Lab Report

Managing projects in engineering and construction - Lab Report Example First, before commencing my project, I developed a time schedule to guide me during the project. The activities listed in my time schedule included organizing for meetings with my supervisors and lecturers for training and orientation before commencing the experiment. Besides, I came up with a separate project plan outlining the specific phases and procedures of the actual experiment. In addition, I made a visit to the school laboratory to book a date on which to perform the triaxial tests. An early reservation ensures that all the necessary pieces of equipment for the experiment are available on the experiment day. A tamping rod, a measuring scale, a measuring cup, de-aired water, a spatula and, pair of scissor is the equipment required in the experiment. Additionally, I acquired a small notebook on which I recorded my meetings with the lecturer and supervisors. I also ensured that the supervisors and laboratory technicians signed the notebook. Signed notebooks serve as evidence for the attended meetings. In an attempt to account for the resources I used during the research, I prepared a budget and a time plan for the activities. Budgets and time plans ensure effective and efficient use of resources. Besides, time plans and budgets act as monitoring and evaluation tools, helping me identify failures and making necessary adjustments to the project In any experimental project, there are potential challenges likely to occur. I planned for some difficulties liable to affect my experiment.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Mars Global Explorer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mars Global Explorer - Essay Example This research paper attempts to find out valid reasons and facts supporting the existing of life on Mars. There have been a host of significant discoveries in the past that have reflected on the idea of existence of life on Mars. Mariner IX (1971) orbited Mars and pointed out at the planet having an active weather system. He observed clouds, odd swirls of cloud that make a cyclone, and even frontal systems. It was assumed that the clouds were thin. But in 2004, Mars Global Surveyor took some high resolution images of the clouds thus enabling it to measure their thickness. To much surprise of the scientists, the thickness revealed that cloud’s inside some of the deep canyons was far more opaque and dense than could be imagined. They also contained triple the amount of water than was initially expected. There also exist evidences about the existence of a vast ocean surrounding the Northern Hemisphere of Mars. In 1999, Mars Global Explorer showed positive evidences of palcomagnetic Islands on Mars, with the bands being about 10 times wider than those found on earth (Garrison 94). A recent surprising announcement is made by Mars Global Explorer that there are chances that water still flows on this planet. Images of Martian cliff were sent back by it that showed streaks similar to the ones found on mountains on earth. It is expected that these rocks have melted ice under the surface that bursts out time and then (Kidger 124). This topic is of interest as one of the major missions of European Mars Express is to use specialized decameter radar – MARSIS – for searching for such underground water bodies. Hydrated minerals have already been discovered on the surface of Mars. The above facts clearly throw light on the better possibilities of existence of life on Mars in the nearby past. There are strong evidences supporting the fact that life still exists on Mars owing to its mild climatic conditions and presence of water on its